Write For Us Publishing Policy Guideline

Hello there,

You’re welcome to www.webhostinggist.com. This site accommodates both newbie guest bloggers and the webmasters. I am excited you visited this page. Possibly, you’re here because you know the value and power of guest blogging in generating quality backlinks and consequently free targeted traffic. In a deal like this everybody is a winner.

I have created a Publishing Policy Guideline. Through guest blogging, you can significantly increase your profits by generating a nice stream of targeted traffic to your money site at no-risk to you. The door is open now (for the time being) for whoever understands and willing to write article for this site. Feel free to go through it. At the end make up your mind and take appropriate action. Here goes:

Length of Article: It should not be too short or too long. 1500 – 2000 words is good enough. We however recommend overshooting the stated limit rather than compromising your content.

Awesome Content: You must write qualitative and informative article. Such that would elicit captivating interest to our site visitors

Keywords/Phrases: Write modern day search engine friendly article using appropriate keywords and theme words, keyphrases and theme phrases.

Unacceptable Content: Anything porn, slander, libel, copyright busting or plagiarism.

Relevant Content: Derive idea from the articles posted in the various categories of this site. Trends, evergreen useful related articles are good with less self-promotion.

References & Links: You can insert 2 promotional links per article, and 2 referral links. You can provide URLs for links and enumerate offline references in a standard format at the end of the page

Good Command of English: Please cross your T’s and dot your I’s – edit properly before rushing to send to us. Without altering your content, we may further edit your work before publishing.

Boost Approval Chances: Make your work unique and Copyscape passable, be ready to do some SEO to bring more traffic  to your article (e.g. a video review of our site or your chosen keyword on YouTube, social bookmark, etc.)


[email protected], (234)8059402160, +447031977855, skype: anyagod13